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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing preschool teacher observation forms for administrators
Instructions and Help about new teacher observation form
What IN×39’d like to do today is show other school administrators how to create Google Form that not only collects data from all their walkthrough observations so that you can see general trends that are going on in your school or in teachers classrooms but also provides immediate feedback to teachers once you do that observation there's a lot of schools out there that are using GoogleForms for walk through observations' butte beauty of this form is that it actually emails teachers immediately the feedback that you saw so what you want to do is go to lead ministration calm once again lead administration calm and this blog posts put up on February 18th and scroll down until you find the forum right harsh click there, and you'll take you tithe forum and this is a template that Created you're going to want to go to file and make a copy of this and rename it maybe your school name walkthroughtemplateall right, so this is what it looks like, and I'll show you what the actual form looks like so as you walk through classroom and I use a parity#39’s a great tool and this is a great form for that, so you can walk in with just an iPad or laptop and select the teacher the general information about the class and then start filling in information that you see and if you want to change these questions you#39’re more than welcome to do that and like I said the great thing is all these questions that you answer will go straight to the teacher as soon as you post it so to make it usable for your school whiteout×39’re going to want to do is edit the form, and you will need to put all the teacher names, and you have to use their email addresses so that it can email them I have about 26 teachers at my school and so every single teacher washable to be put into my form, so I know it can hold a lot I have actually done#39’t know what the limit is, so you would choose you know you would put all your teacher names here and then just go through and select once you've done that and maybe even change any other questions thatyou'’d like your need to go back to the form and go to tools script editor click on triggers all triggers, and you need Todd a new trigger and this is just whatsits it off that emails the responses tithe teacher, so it doesn't#39’t automatically do that unless you tell it to so IN×39;going to do a time driven, and I would like it to send a response every minute so if I've made a plateau×39’ll check every single minute and then email a response to the teacher make sure you say that you have to accept or authorize this script and oncethat'’s done you should be good to but FIF you want to change questions go back to form edit the form like we saw beforehand change the questions to yourself if you do change the form what you'll need to do is change what the email lookalike, so this is what the template lookalike for the email the sender name thesis where the address it comes from, and you can change this to whatever you like and the teacher that's...
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